We offer diverse e-learning services to publishers, institutions, corporate organizations & training companies across the globe. We work with the uniqueness of learning needs and transform them into meaningful e-learning solutions that drives performance. Our e-learning content meets all the leading industry standards like SCORM, AICC, ADL and Tin Can API – as required by our clients. This ensures that our e-learning solutions are scalable, interactive, interoperable, interchangeable and secured.
Eshkul has significant experience and expertise in the design and development of digital educational content. Our top notch team of Project Managers, Instructional Designers, Visual Designers and Usability Experts understand that learning must be designed to engage and activate the learner. Our expert SME network allows us to effectively address a wide range of disciplines in the K-12, Higher Ed and Career segments to deliver learning that is multi-platform, social, collaborative, meaningful and non-traditional. We have created programs, curricula and courses in such diverse areas as Middle and High School Algebra, AP English, Nursing and Allied Health. Our clients include some of the leading names in digital educational content in the United States and Europe. Our team will work closely with your organization to conduct detailed analysis to derive and document user needs, and add maximum value to your course development efforts.
DemoEshkul uses smart multi-tier technology to build simulations that allow users to apply their knowledge and hone their skills in a realistic, yet risk-free environment. Recognizing the need for highly customized training, we can help you adapt the simulation to complex “current” scenarios to create a multi-path training environment that brings the experience to life. Our simulations and labs are:
Eshkul appreciates the value of games as learning tools. The members of Team Eshkul were early converts to the potential of offering an environment where the student can play, experiment, and learn from mistakes. Now that gaming has been fully integrated into the educational arena, we find ourselves in the happy position of having grown up with the movement. This means that you gain from our 100+ man-years of experience in game development using the best technologies available.
DemoThere are two major forces driving increased publisher demand for templatized interactivities, and independent learning objects – the promise of differentiated instruction and the need to generate an acceptable return on digital spend. Differentiated instruction allows you to offer the most efficient and effective learning path for each student, depending on their aptitude, preferences and engagement levels. To enable this, content needs to be created and made available on a granular level as independent learning objects. Having low cost templatized interactivities and self-contained learning objects also offers publishers greater opportunities for content management and monetization. Eshkul has developed over 1000 standards-based learning objects across a range of disciplines, and can ably serve your immediate and long-term content needs.
DemoRole plays and scenario based learning are the form of experiential learning. These forms of interactive learning are designed to provide the learners situations with issues and challenges that are faced in real life. We provide high quality design and experience for learners to navigate through the scenarios and role plays at self pace. This self pace learning experience gives them appropriate feedback based on their choice.
DemoWeb Portal integrated with Cloud ERP (School Management System).